December 27, 2008

Around the house

I just recently upgraded from my Canon Rebel Xt to the Canon 40D. The Rebel was having some issues recently and I've had my eye on the 40D for a while. Between being sick and being busy with work, I haven't had much time to play with the new camera. But I took some shots around my parents' backyard/garage today. Feels good to be back behind the camera. 

Happy Holidays!

p.s. My apologies if the colors are off.  I'm working off of a laptop and not my usual monitor.

Red, yellow, go tomatoes 




New Year's resolution: Take more photos and [edit] make a photo website.


likwidfruit said...

ooo. the colors look really nice actually. i like the tomatoes =)

Julie said...

Hey nice pics! From one Julie Kim to another! Cheers and Happy New Year.

Ada said...

new signature?